Hello, If you’re reading this line then I bet ‘Kubernetes’ is a word that would have brought you here. Do you know you aren’t the only one? Kubernetes is fast becoming a skill that leads to high paying jobs.

How do we know this?

Kubernetes jobs search grew by 2125% in a 4 years period from Oct 2015 to Oct 2019. In the same period, Kubernetes related job searches grew by 2141% that same time period according to Indeed.

So, if you’re looking to learn everything about Kubernetes and pursue a career in Kubernetes, stay with us till the end. If you’re an organization looking to use Kubernetes, you are requested to read as well. Let’s get kickstarted!

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates deployment, management and scaling of applications. Kubernetes is a Google product that was open-sourced in 2014. Before getting deep into Kubernetes, you first need to learn all about containers.


A Container is a lightweight and executable application component that merges application source code with all the operating system (OS) libraries and dependencies required to deploy the code in any environment.

Why is Kubernetes getting so popular?

The reasons for Kubernetes becoming popular since its inception in 2014 isn’t surprising if you read the reasons for it.


Kubernetes has great extensibility. It is designed to allow the addition of new capabilities and functionality. The current set of resources like Pods, Deployments, Stateful Sets, Secrets, ConfigMaps etc. People can add extra resources in the form of Custom Resource Definitions. Developers can write their own operators. It is a process that follows the control loop pattern.


Kubernetes has 3 to 4 releases every year and they don’t seem to stop. The new features mean they allow more elasticity when running different workloads. Developers like having more controls during deployment.


Kubernetes popularity can also be attributed to its community-building initiative. It has many special interest groups. The Cloud Native Foundation conducts CloudNativeCon/KubeCon which is the largest open-source event in the realm. A career in Kubernetes is financially rewarding. Try our Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine Training

5 Reasons why should you use Kubernetes in 2021?

If you’re looking for reasons why Kubernetes should be used in 2021, we will give you reasons that will convince you. Read all of them or you won’t understand anything.

  • Quick Scaling is need of the hour

    Scaling up and down is reliant on workloads. If you have a solution that targets infrastructure and VMs, then Kubernetes is the right choice. This holds true if it has multiple services and that requires scaling up and down that is dependent on different factors. If that’s the case, containers can easily help you scale your application compared to VMs.

  • Application has Multiple services that need to be scaled

    If your application consists of multiple and independent services, it needs scaling at the host. That can be easily done using Kubernetes instead of using an orthodox infrastructure. This is possible because the container management layer and Kubernetes API lets you automate a lot of tasks pertaining to resource provisioning and management.

  • Adaptability for Container-based workload

    Kubernetes is great at keeping container workloads up and running. If you want to run your code in containers, Kubernetes will keep it functional and manage the container instances and pods.

  • Arrange workloads to move to cloud

    If you’re unable to build the cloud at the moment and you are working on-premises, constructing on top of the containers is a good way to prepare for the future to move clouds. The transition won’t be smooth. However, it will be better than constructing on VMs or direct infrastructure, and then moving to cloud IAAS.

  • Continuous Deployment Management

    Kubernetes has an advantage. It is based on the environment delivered through APIs. That’s how an ideal cloud would be. In this case, with proper DevOps guidelines and CI/CD pipelines. With this, we can focus on the description of the application, fast deployments, or rollbacks.

Winding Up

With that we come to the end of the blog post, the future is evolving and so are the requirements. Whether you are an organization or professional, Kubernetes is growing and it is here to stay. Let 2021 be the year you adapt to it. Don’t wait for the right time. Take action now.

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We strive to provide business professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to increase work performance and drive greater return on investment for the global customers we support. Agilitics delivers customized technology and management training solutions to large corporations and government agencies around the world.