Preparing with Cloudera Data Engineering

This four-day hands-on training course delivers the key concepts and expertise developers need to use Apache Spark to develop high-performance parallel applications.

Participants will learn how to use Spark SQL to query structured data and Spark Streaming to perform real-time processing on streaming data from a variety of sources. Developers will also practice writing applications that use core Spark to perform ETL processing and iterative algorithms.

    Note: Scala and Python developers will learn key concepts and gain the expertise needed to ingest and process data, and develop high-performance applications using Apache Spark 2.

    1:1 Coaching

    24*7 Support

    Cloud Labs

    High Success Rate

    Globally Renowned Trainer

    Real-time code analysis and feedback

    Course Description

    The course covers how to work with “big data” stored in a distributed file system, and execute Spark applications on a Hadoop cluster. After taking this course, participants will be prepared to face real-world challenges and build applications to execute faster decisions, better decisions, and interactive analysis, applied to a wide variety of use cases, architectures, and industries.

    Learning Objectives

    • How to write, configure, and deploy Apache Spark applications on a Hadoop cluster
    • How to use the Spark shell and Spark applications to explore, process, and analyze distributed data
    • How the Apache Hadoop ecosystem fits in with the data processing lifecycle
    • How data is distributed, stored, and processed in a Hadoop cluster
    • How to query data using Spark SQL, DataFrames, and Datasets
    • How to use Spark Streaming to process a live data stream


    Enroll your course from
    26th – 29th Aug, 2024
    09:30AM – 05:30PM
    Ajit Kumar Amit
    Enroll Now
    Enroll your course from
    11th – 14th Nov, 2024
    09:30AM – 05:30PM
    Ajit Kumar Amit
    Enroll Now